The Day Lemmy Taught Me About Speed
It was as incongruous a sight as you could hope to see in the mid-afternoon light of the Burbank Hilton lounge—Lemmy Kilmister, the...

The King and I
I’ll never forget being four years old and watching Elvis’s Aloha from Hawaii satellite broadcast back in ’73. My diaper days were behind...

The Legend of White Boy Rick
In the coming months, you will be hearing a lot about White Boy Rick, which is the street name of Richard Wershe Jr., who, while still a...

No Easter #3: Pine Oil Blues
As the monster cuts a path of death and destruction across Japan, Gene and John have more immediate problems. --------------------------...

The story of a woman brought into a new life, only to find all her old enemies waiting. Art by Nigel Van Wieck. @nigelvanwieck...

When We Were Criminals: An Interview with Mel Frank
Mel Frank [aka James Goodwin], is the co-author, along with Ed Rosenthal, of the 1974 book, The Marijuana Grower’s Indoor/Outdoor Guide,...

Confessions of a Dope Journalist
I started doing drugs when I was a baby. I picked up a nicotine habit when I was a zygote, then a few months after my birth, I started...

No Easter #2: The Monster on the Box
Gene settles into his new life as a janitor, and the unexpected appearance of a 700-foot-tall monster in Japan causes the crew to...

No Easter #1: 7 Train Jesus
Welcome to the first in a series of excerpts from No Easter, a novel that tells the story of Gene Gumellis, a 22-year-old janitor whose...

Soul and Space: An Interview with Lee Perry
Lee Perry is one of those artists but for whose existence life, for those of us in the know, would have been a bit less wondrous. Perry...